Monday, November 18, 2013

Classes and Events at Jade Castle Studios

Hello Jade Castle fans!

I wanted to share some classes and  events that are being held at Jade Castle Studios in the coming months.

Pre-registration for classes is open. Classes begin in January 2014. Register now by emailing

RSVP for any events by following the event invite link.


Alternative Art Show scheduled for December. Make sure to also check out the call for artists.
Jade Castle Art Show Event Invite and Details LINK


ADULT ACTING See previous blog HERE for details and info on the instructor.

KIDS AND TEENS ACTING See previous blog HERE for details and info on the instructor.


Written a screenplay that needs a polish?  Got an idea for a screenplay now what?  Already a great film maker and want to be a better story teller?  This Writer’s Workshop is designed to help you, wherever you are, get where you want to be.

Students in this class will develop skills concerning story, plot, theme, and character development by focusing on how to tell a story in visual terms.  We will also examine films from a professional screenwriters point of view.  We will look into the problems screenwriters face and the tools they have at their disposal to solve these problems.  In short, this class will familiarize you with the common language professionals use to communicate their ideas in the development and production of feature films - the language of cinematic storytelling.

Instructor - John Norwood

John Norwood graduated from the University of Southern California in 2007 with an MFA in Writing for Cinema-Television. Mr. Norwood learned from people who wrote everything from Top Gun, Saturday Night Live and Cheers. He has written feature scripts, sitcoms, one hour dramas, sketch comedy, music and just recently finished his first novel


Time-lapse photography is a cinematography technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured (aka the frame rate) is much lower than that which will be used to play the sequence back. Put simply: We are manipulating time. Objects and events that would normally take several minutes, days, or even months can be viewed to completion in seconds having been sped up by factors of tens to millions.

The best way to get a greater feel for the power of time-lapse is to watch a few. 
5 week class structure:
Week 1- Introduction, Instruction, Networking
Week 2- Application 
Week 3- Critique, Review
Week 4- Edit
Week 5- Showcase

Suggested Equipment 
DSLR Cameras 
Intervalometer (can be purchased from BH for $14)
Variable Neutral density filters (suggested but not required)

David Holloway will be one of team leaders for this class. We are currently looking for more leaders to facilitate the class and the class teams.

Email if interested.

Movement-Based Expressive Arts: Personal Embodiment 

 Group movement lab
Movement-based dream group
Individual movement-based coaching

Explore your body’s symbolic story and deepen your kinesthetic and emotional intelligence through movement – and also drawing, writing, and voice.  Work creatively with the content of your life as you
-        -listen to the body’s wisdom
-        -discover the body’s language of metaphor
-        -pinpoint and play imaginatively with life themes
-        -retrieve and cultivate the creative impulse towards life and growth
-        -discover new responses
-        -create individual and group dances that have significance to you
-        -embody your sense of self.

Movement-based expressive arts brings unseen physical sensation, feeling, and mental image into seen action using the creative process.  The process becomes a psychological mirror.  The practice can serve personal growth and change, complement talk therapy, and/or support other artistic processes. 

Appropriate for adults, female and male.
No previous experience in movement/dance, visual art, or writing is needed.
If you have physical challenges, you are welcome to modify activities to suit your abilities.

Instructor - Jennie Wakefield

Personal Embodiment Lab
Six week session
6:30 – 8:30 pm
$15 drop in, $75 pre-registered

Body Part Mythology 
We often speak of personal themes in terms of body metaphors: 
-       Standing on your own feet
-       Facing the truth
-       Carrying weight on your shoulders
-       Holding the key in your hand 
-       Digesting what happened. 

In this lab, explore your body’s symbolic story using natural movement and structured improvisation.  Participants create a holding environment for each other, respond aesthetically to others’ work, catalyze relationships, and provide community. 

Movement-Based Dream Group
Six week session:
6:30 – 8:30 pm

Use movement, drawing, and writing to bring consciousness to the images in your dreams.  Through the creative arts, relate to that part of you that gives you nightly dreams.  This is a closed group; please register in advance.  Limit 12. 

Individual Coaching
by appointment

Sessions focus on your life themes.  You meet the substance of your story through the body, exploring its symbolic language through the movement itself.  The coach brings awareness to what is present in the movement, mirroring and giving resources.  

Jade Castle Studios would love to offer other classes including but not limited to: general filmmaking, videography, visual arts, music, vocal, etc. 

We are also open to suggestions! If there is a class (or event) you would like to see at Jade Castle Studios, let us know!

Please  email if you would like to instruct, suggest, or attend a class.

Don't forget that the online "Save Jade Castle Studios" Online Fundraiser is live and ongoing until December 4.  Here is the link to help:

Save Jade Castle Studios Online Fundraiser LINK

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